In planning for sea level rise, this proposal puts forth adaptive strategies for the San Francisco Port Authority’s piers north of Oracle Park. Depicted are physical intervention strategies classified in three categories: raise, float, belt, and release.

A prioritization system was also developed to assign various methodoligies to each pier, taking into consideration highest sea level rise risk, structural condition, presence of cultural landmarks, and underutilization, shown below.

Pier physical strategies
Pier prioritization methodology

I then developed a concept design for a pier location, the Ferry Building. I examined two options, belting and raising, and ultimately developed a design around raising the Ferry Building and its pier system (piles and deck). The retrofitted and improved pier doubles capacity for ferry services and adds public amenities, such as improved seating options, a water amphitheater, and green space.

This individual project fit into a larger team effort to design a multifunctional berm system (“Embarcadero Rising”) along the Embarcadero, with integrated, above-grade park space and underground transportation.

Ferry building plan
Ferry building section